(defunct) TEAM Software

A Day at the Races Companion (ADARC)

ADARC is a perfect supplement to A Day at the Races (ADAR).

Running Horses

ADARC offers the following additional features:

  1. Create a horse or a jockey with attributes of your own choosing.
  2. Display or print a condensed racing form for the upcoming racing session. This condensed form spans one page rather than the four pages spanned by the full-blown racing form available in ADAR.
  3. Display or print the racing results of any session still residing on your data bases in a short form or a long form.
  4. Copy a horse or a jockey from one data base to another.
  5. Handicapping pointers are provided.
  6. Create virgin (blank) data base or archive (hall of fame) files for the horses, the jockeys, or the players.
  7. Additional digitized track sounds for your listening pleasure. These extra digitized sounds are also now utilized by ADAR (V1.2 or later) if you have at least one meg of RAM.

To download ADARC go here.

If you have any comments or questions contact the Webmaster.