Installation Instructions for KILLE Genealogy DataBase 11 Nov 2024 These instructions should work with any platform. 1. Download SOT2-KILLE at (it's a fairly large file and will take some time). 2. Create a folder/directory dedicated to the database (this might be a folder/directory in your home folder/directory) and move the downloaded file into the newly created folder/directory. 3. Extract/unzip the downloaded file. After unzipping is completed, the downloaded file is no longer needed and may be deleted. The PlainText folder/directory contains a plain text version of the family database. The HTML folder/directory contains an HTML version of the family database. The Other folder/directory contains various related plain text files. The Reference folder/directory contains plain text files which in turn contain source/citation information used as a basis for the information in the family database. The Images folder/directory contains image files which in turn contain source/citation information used as a basis for the information in the family database. The UnsureIfRelated folder/directory contains a combination of plain text files and image files which in turn contain information pertaining to people who may or may not be related to individuals in the family database. The HTML files are viewable with any browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Edge, etc). The plain text files are viewable with any text viewer or text editor (you might even be able to use a browser or word processor if you like). The image files are viewable with any image display software. The files in the Images folder/directory and in the Reference folder/directory will be viewable when using a browser to view the HTML version of the family database. Additionally, all files comprising SOT2-KILLE are easily viewable when using software called MELGenKey. Send an email to for additional info regarding MELGenKey.